Thursday, May 7, 2009

God's Will

As my knees hit the floor beside my bed,

My hands reach out to hold my head,

Lowered and trembling my voice speaks now...

Dear God, oh Father,

I thank thee and ask how--

How to find your will today.

What should I do, to whom should I say

The words from you on this perfect day.

For each sunrise brings beauty and light.

Just as your Son gave his life

That darkness of death might forever flee

Show me the way to come to thee.

The perfect day, each one you've made

With sunlight, clouds and cooling shade.

So please dear, Abba, let me know --

What to do and where to go?

What and how much to eat

and spend?

How to succor and befriend?

Which coat to wear over this body of mine,

This temple that clothes my spirit divine.

Dear Father, I ask in prayer so sweet

As I brokenly kneel at your feet,



  1. I am so thrilled that you are doing this. I need a Psalm a day. That will be a big task, but think what a legacy you are creating! Carol, it won't let me post the comment using my WordPress account, so I am using my literacy blog ID, but I's love to invite you to follow my "SixthSeason" blog. rbs

  2. Forgot to proof! I'D love to invite you to view my personal blog.

  3. Now I'm experimenting. Aren't you so excited to get so many comments! : )
