Monday, October 29, 2012

Searching by Carol Gerlach

Searching by Carol Gerlach

The thoughts come in
Both truth and sin.
Dear God, show me the right.
Give me guidance and sight!

This world, this place-
I miss your face!
The joy and love,
Please send down from above.

Each tender mercy,
I am embrace.
Each moment of reflection,
Brings me to a place
Where we can be,
Just you and me!

Spirit to spirit inside me dwells
The light of Christ all fear to dispel

You nurture me sweetly,
With thoughts from thee
Obedient, radiant, you reach out to me

I feel your touch
Through a child's embrace!
I feel your kiss
As wind upon my face!

I search for your beauty
Above all else.
In every flower and creation so fine!
Searching, you are there
I see you every time!