Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blessed Hope

Arise and get thee up.

Prepare for the setting of the sun.

Live for the blessed hope of

Christ's glorious returning.

Fill your day with honest endeavors.

Find God's will and obey.

Love Him and rejoice

as you live a self-controlled,

Upright and godly life today.

Hour by hour check your focus.

Keep your eyes and empty heart

Focused on Christ and see his glory

in the brilliant sunset!

God Blest America!

High on a mountain top
Our nation's flag is unfurled,
The children now look up
It waves to all the world.

A parade of children's bikes
To celebrate our day,
Of independence from the
Bondage that enslaves.

These little ones so pure
Will be our shining hope.
The future is secure
Upon this mountain slope!

Oh Lord, you've given us this land
Forged and protected, proudly it stands
As a witness of our faith
A testimony to the world!
This land our God Almighty has created
Our children respect and love.
God bless America!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Listening to my heartbeat, I'm in wonder now

As I know, my God, you've entered there

To dwell somehow.

Within my breast, to stand the test for me.

My fight and battle is going on,

But with you beside me, I'll be strong.

Thank you, dear Father and Son, complete,

As I humbly bow with love at your feet.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New again

New again, I am renewed.

Another year has come and gone.

I look forward and beyond --

To a year filled with promise, hopes and dreams

Yes, new again, it seems.

New things to try

Promises to keep.

To God, Almighty, I raise my voice.

Thank you dear, Father, for giving me a choice

Each day to be new again.

By cleansing me from my sins,
Jesus suffered so that I might know

That I am healed and can forward go --

New again in this new year.